Tuesday, November 18, 2008

O'Keeffe White Shell With Red c. 1938

O'Keeffe White Shell With Red c. 1938O'Keeffe White PansyO'Keeffe White FlowerO'Keeffe White flower on Red Earth No. 1
Bathilda's embossed name on the front cover of A History of Magic. "Well, I suppose –"

   She gasped so dramatically that Harry's insides turned over; he drew his wand, looking around at the entrance, half expecting to see a hand forcing its way through the entrance flap, but there was nothing there.
, Harry felt that Dumbledore had left a great deal to chance: Dumbledore had never revealed that he had replaced the sword with a fake, nor had he so much
   "What?" he said, half angry, half relieved. "What did you do that for? I thought you'd seen a Death Eater unzipping the tent, at least –"

   "Harry, what if Bathilda's got the sword? What if Dumbledore entrusted it to her?"

   Harry considered this possibility. Bathilda would be an extremely old woman by now, and according to Muriel, she was "gaga." Was it likely that Dumbledore would have hidden the sword of Gryffindor with her? If so

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