Sunday, February 22, 2009

Edward Hopper Hotel Room

Edward Hopper Hotel RoomEdward Hopper Hotel LobbyEdward Hopper Girlie ShowEdward Hopper Early Sunday Morning
familiar food, bacon and and under it a faint perpetual hospital-medical smell; and coming from the walls all around was a slight humming sound, almost too low to hear, the sort of sound you had to get used to or go mad.corridor with doors on the right and a canteen on the left, from which came a clatter of knives and forks, and voices, and more smells. The nurse was about as old as Mrs. Coulter, Lyra guessed, with a brisk, blank, sensible air; she would be able to stitch a wound or change a bandage, but never to tell a story. Her daemon (and Lyra had a moment of strange chill when she noticed) was a little white trotting dog (and after a moment she had no idea why it had chilled her).Pantalaimon at her ear, a goldfinch now, whispered, "Be stupid and dim. Be really slow and stupid."Adults were looking down at her: the man who'd brought her in, another man wearing a white coat, a woman in a nurse's uniform."English," the first man was saying. "Traders, apparently.""Usual hunters? Usual story?""Same tribe, as far as I could tell. Sister Clara, could you take little, umm, and see to her?""Certainly, Doctor. Come with me, dear," said the nurse, and Lyra obediently followed.They went along a short

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