Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pierre Auguste Renoir At the Concert

Pierre Auguste Renoir At the ConcertPierre Auguste Renoir After The BathPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888
education; at least 17 others funnel all or part of their lottery money into the general fund. * Privately run state lotteries—Legislators in several states—including Texas and Illinois—have introduced bills to "lease" to private in Indiana and New Jersey would likely violate federal laws. * A world lottery—Players in many parts of the world can already buy lottery tickets online. One possibility: a game available simultaneously in many countries. That's the goal of Chuck Strutt, the longtime director of the multistate Powerball game, who hopes to roll out a global game by 2011.
Continental Congress funds a lotterycompanies the right to run the lottery. A lease of 30 years or more would likely raise as much as $10 billion for bigger states. Opponents worry that private operators will introduce more addictive games. And it's not even clear such a gambit would be legal: In October, the U.S. Justice Department warned that private leasing deals under consideration

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