Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra de Benci

Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra de BenciLeonardo da Vinci Portrait Of A Young LadyLeonardo da Vinci Leda
Drum's other customers paused with their hands on assorted hilts. These weren't the normal city watch, cautious and genially corrupt. These were walking slabs of muscle and they were absolutely unbribable, if only because theshoulder suddenly sprouted a knife hilt. Then the girl spun around and with surgical precision planted a small foot in the groin of the first guard through the door. Twenty pairs of eyes watered in sympathy.
Rincewind grabbed his hat and tried to dive under the nearest table, but that grip was steel. The next guard to approach got another knife in the thigh. Then she drew a sword like a very long needle and raised it threateningly. Patrician could outbid anyone else. Anyway, they didn't seem to be looking for anyone except the woman. The rest of the clientele relaxed and prepared to enjoy the show. Eventually it might be worth joining it, once it was certain which was the winning side.Rincewind felt the pressure tighten on his wrist.'Are you mad?' he hissed. 'This is messing with the Man!'There was a swish and the sergeant's

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