Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eric Wallis Lilies and Iris painting

Eric Wallis Lilies and Iris paintingEric Wallis Her Own Time paintingEric Wallis Flowers Everywhere painting
have not told you all the truth. Twenty-one years ago, a child was born in Hagsgate. Whose child it was, we never knew. I found it myself, as I was crossing the marketplace one winter's night. It was lying on a butcher's block, not crying, although there was snow, but warm and chuckling under a comforter of stray cats. They were all purring together, and the sound was heavy with knowledge. I stood by the strange cradle for a long time, pondering while the snow fell and the cats purred prophecy."
He stopped, and Molly Grue said eagerly, "You , of course, and raised it as your own." Drinn laid his hands palm up on the table.
"I chased the cats away," he said, "and ." Molly's face turned the color of mist. Drinn shrugged slightly. "I know the birth of a hero when I see it," he said. "Omens and portents, snakes in the nursery. Had it not been for the cats, I might have chanced the child, but they made it so obvious, so mythological. What was I to do—knowingly harbor Hagsgate's doom?" His lip twitched, as though a hook had set in it. "As it happens, I erred, but it was on the side of tenderness. When

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