Monday, August 11, 2008

Maxfield Parrish paintings

Maxfield Parrish paintings
Martin Johnson Heade paintings
Nancy O'Toole paintings
child, but both parents feed it, both nurture it. Why should a child be left to the mother only? They asked that. How could a woman alone bring up four children? Or more than four children? It was inhuman. And then, in the cities, why should families stay together? The child doesn't want its parents then, the parents don't want the child, they all have other things to do... The women talked about this to us men, and with them we tried to talk about it to the Bayderac.
"They said, 'All that will change. You will see. You cannot reason correctly. It is merely an effect of your hormones, your genetic programming, which we will correct. Then you will be free of your irrational and useless behavior patterns.'
"We answered, 'But will we be free of your irrational and useless behavior patterns?'

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