Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jean Francois Millet The sower painting

Jean Francois Millet The sower paintingJean Francois Millet Spring paintingJean Francois Millet Man with a hoe painting
Walter Starr stood back in the middle of the hall, looking as if he did not know what to do. Their mother went straight up to him.
“Now we’re all ready, Walter,” she said. He nodded very shyly and stepped a little to one side as she spoke to the children.
“Now it’s time to go,” she told them. “Back to Mr. Starr’s, as he told you this morning. And have a nice time and be very good and quiet and Mr. Starr will bring you back to Mother later this afternoon.” She straightened Catherine’s little collar, which was wilting. “Now good-bye,” she said. “Mother will see you before long.” She kissed them lightly.
Before long, now; before long.
They went so quietly past the living-room door and along the hushed porch and down the steps that Rufus felt that they were moving as stealthily as burglars.
When they had driven almost all the way to Mr. Mr. Starr surprisingly

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