Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rembrandt Musical Allegory painting

Rembrandt Musical Allegory paintingLord Frederick Leighton Venus Disrobing for the Bath paintingLord Frederick Leighton The Golden Hours painting
roulette things to the man’s cabin - he broke his thigh, falling in the corridor, and was taken to the ship’s hospital. All next day Julia and I spent together without interruption; talking, scarcely moving, held in our chairs by the swell of the sea. After luncheon the last hardy passengers went to rest and we were alone as though the place had been cleared for us, as though tact on a titanic scale had sent everyone tip-toeing out to leave us to one another. The bronze doors of the lounge had been fixed, but not before two seamen had been badly injured. They had tried various devices, lashing with ropes and, later, when these failed, with steel hawsers, but there was nothing to which they could be made fast; finally, they drove wooden wedges under them, catching them in the brief moment of repose when they were full open, and these held firm.
When, before dinner, she went to her cabin to get ready (no one dressed that

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